Engineering blog
The 3D printing revolution reaping countless benefits: make your designs come to life

The 3D printing revolution reaping countless benefits: make your designs come to life

The evolution of 3D Printing and its adaption in the construction industry is beginning at a rapid space. No matter what the size of their project is, the contractors and architects all around the world have been using 3D printing to build residential structures such as houses and apartments. 3D printed architectural models have slowly …

3D rendering brings life to your future home or workspace – Live in it before you own it!

3D rendering brings life to your future home or workspace – Live in it before you own it!

Learn About the 3D Rendering and VR Services People looking out for a new place, their ‘home sweet home‘, want one thing from their architect/designer, to allow that space to create an identity they can resonate with. How do architects build that? Visualization is easy; it’s all in their mind like a painted picture or …

3D Architectural Rendering Mix: A marketing opportunity for Home builders and Developers

3D Architectural Rendering Mix: A marketing opportunity for Home builders and Developers

Learn About the 3D Rendering and VR Services BluEnt has over a decade-plus years of experience in providing internal and external 3D rendering to its customers. However, with advances in 3D rendering and animations, urban planners and builders are now vying for a concoction of external and internal rendering mix ie 3D Architectural Rendering Mix …

4 Magical Ways Of Using 3D Modeling

4 Magical Ways Of Using 3D Modeling

We are living in a virtual world. Technology has always fascinated me. I still look at it as magic. It has almost changed the way we work or be artistic for that matter. In old times, architecture was all about pencils and sketches which required the artists time and energy. 3D technologies have significantly changed the …

6 Expert Tips to Create Realistic 3D Renderings

6 Expert Tips to Create Realistic 3D Renderings

Learn About the 3D Rendering and VR Services Not everyone has an ear for music, but almost everyone has an eye for art. As an architect, renderings are a form of art. However, there exists a point when we become a bit cynical about our own renderings. We start noticing flaws, spend hours wondering if …

Virtual is the new real

Virtual is the new real

3D is everywhere. From medicine to fashion to architecture, 3D is pushing boundaries and upsetting old limits and re-writing traditional methods of presentation. Ever since Prometheus stole fire from the gods, man has set out on his ultimate ambition – the creation of life itself. Believe it or not, we have, for the first time, …


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