CAD Drafting Solutions and
Studios for Home Builders

BluEnt offers CAD drafting solutions and studios that cater to general drafting and construction drawing needs. The scope of the studio, also known as a retainer, may vary from one homebuilder to another depending on design needs.

We assist with the development of individual items as well as the complete construction drawing process. BluEnt sets up manuals and procedures for larger homebuilders. For small builders, BluEnt can be involved in the entire construction drawing process.

Marketing and IT Solutions

Marketing is a prominent activity for every homebuilder to promote sales of their new homes.

BluEntCAD offers a complete package of marketing products that cater to home building corporations. The list includes exterior and interior 3D renderings, color floorplans, brochures, walkthroughs and animations

BluEntCAD has geared itself to become an all-inclusive service provider to promote homebuilders’ 3D renderings. The IT division at BluEnt supplements the 3D division, so we can set up your website in addition to creating the renderings. We also do complete revamps of existing renderings.

We can deliver large volumes of marketing collateral with the help of large teams. BluEntCAD has created packages for high-volume renderings with quick turnaround times.

In addition to renderings, we provide interactive floor plans and 360 panoramic views as part of our 3D and marketing services. We have successfully taken responsibility for homebuilder projects that include color and material selection tools.

Ready to make your project a success with CAD drafting, marketing and IT solutions for homebuilders? Contact us now!

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