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CAD Conversion Details

Details | Specifications

Conversion Types

Sketch to CAD, PDF to CAD, 2D to 3D, Image to CAD, CAD to Revit

Output Format

.dwg, .plan, .rvt


AutoCAD and Chief Architect


One round

Files Accepted

Hand-drawn sketches, images, PDFs and SketchUp models


How does the process work?

After obtaining files from client, we review and check for the legibility of the scanned drawings or sketches. If the drawings are traceable, we document them in CAD software. After this, we check for conflicts and organize them as per CAD standards and add layers. There is an internal review before we submit the final drawings.

Do you also provide additional services?

Yes. After converting the drawings, we can assist with design development, 2D and 3D renderings, construction documents or as-built drawings.

Do you provide a draft review set?

Yes, we do.

What versions of AutoCAD and Revit do you use?

2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.

What is your turnaround time?

Depends on the scale of the project.

What is the mode of communication?

Emails and regular calls, also use of communication software like Microsoft Teams.

What platform do you use for file sharing?

We primarily use Dropbox.

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