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Prepare Permit Drawings and Construction Documentation Sets using Chief Architect Software

About StoneWood Homes

StoneWood Homes is one of the largest homebuilders in New Zealand. They are proudly ranked second and the only home-building company to be listed in the Top 50 Green Companies in New Zealand.

Their homes are highly insulated, feature eco-friendly appliances that use less power and water and are built using renewable resources and non-toxic building materials.

Explore our portfolio to find our latest work

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Project requirements

Business Requirements

  • Stonewood homes was looking for a long term partner who could help them in preparing and building permit drawings, construction documentation sets and other services for their vast number of projects.

  • The projects usually involved redlines and scratch jobs for which Chief Architect software was used as the platform.

Project Challenges

Fast Facts

  • Platform used was Chief Architect

  • Develop permit sets for new projects

  • Quick alterations as per the comments from local bodies

  • Standard set of documentation

  • Community specific custom documentation

  • Our overnight facility resulted in quick incorporation of changes and suggestions

  • Quicker turnarounds

  • Studio models led to better quality and quantity of work.

Let’s discuss your business needs!

Maximum Value.

Maximum Value. Achieved.

  • BluEnt’s team was invited to Stonewood Homes office in New Zealand where they had an opportunity to learn more about Stonewood’s projects and construction sites.

  • Effective communication and high quality output was achieved.

Our Other Case Studies

NYC Home Transformation ADS Detail

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