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The Lever and Fulcrum of Enterprises is Outsourcing

  • BluEnt
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  • 10 Apr 2019
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Outsourcing: The Politics

Outsourcing, the very word, resonates in an obnoxiously offensive manner in some people’s minds. In fact, these people would like to make it sound synonymous to mediocre quality. But, as we increasingly pride ourselves with being global in our reach and outlook one just cannot escape the placid truth that outsourcing works very much on a free-market mechanism, albeit on a global level. It balances the demand-supply forces on the pricing factor across continents. Political connotations apart, it makes pure economic sense.

Outsourcing: The Economics

Leading market research firms have found through elaborate studies that companies that outsource their non-core operations to a third-party service provider, for whom it forms the core business, register a minimum 33% overall growth. It is commonplace knowledge that the off shoring work model can fetch services for as low as one tenth the cost in the indigenous country. Apart from the lucrative monetary margins, outsourcing brings you latest innovations in the field and best practices followed around the world.

Outsourcing: Scope & Reach

A large many services are now being outsourced and the domain has leapt beyond business process, back-office and call centre operations to encompass specialized knowledge-intensive sectors like. Services pertaining to medical, legal, architecture, pharmaceutical, market research, etc are increasingly being outsourced to hot destinations like India, Philippines, China, Brazil, etc.

The research intensive and domain-specific services, clubbed under knowledge process outsourcing, help companies around the world in more ways than one. Companies luxuriate in the new found quality edge and domain expertise because their fringe activity forms the core competency of the service provider.

Outsourcing: In Architecture

In keeping with this spirit, architectural outsourcing services have gained great momentum in recent years. Architecture firms of all sizes, predominantly from the West and other developed countries, are shipping off the drafting phase of their construction projects to cost challenging support providers. This helps them task the internal human resource on strategic business activities like design innovation, scope expansion, project marketing etc.

Outsourcing: Quality Concern

Any architectural company that has high quality benchmark will, of course, be wary of outsourcing critical work to a support staff that lives half way across the planet. So, the best model is to execute the design phase indigenously and outsource the mechanical cum time-consuming drafting segment. This would help in bidding for projects that would have been left untouched earlier. Also, it helps in winning bids by not only quoting a more competitive price but also by being empowered to take-up larger projects with thin timelines.

Outsourcing: The Global Relevance

The changing world economy demands innovative business models. Outsourcing can be effectively applied to enterprise transformation. With the rapid advancement in IT and convergence systems, global geographical barriers have dissolved to create a flat world with a unified work platform. It is through forging new partnerships, exploiting time zones and global collaboration that companies can secure their tomorrows. Those that don’t will continue to struggle against the forces of globalization.

Outsourcing: Rest Your Nerves

Architectural outsourcing service providers, or for that matter any outsourcing service provider, do not function like a sweat-shop. They are full-fledged companies offering specialized services that match the highest professional standards, anywhere in the world. Years of experience in a specific domain makes them specialists in their trade.

The icing on the cake is the extremely competent pricing of such high-grade services. Besides, the latent benefits that piggy-ride it is beyond any measure. The service receiver is absolutely freed from all managerial concerns of office infrastructure, staff recruiting and training, quality control checks and other recurring (like in software) up gradations.

Outsourcing: Technology Ready

Any standard architectural drafting support company works on the latest in softwares ranging from AutoCAD to high-end BIM softwares like Revit and Chief Architect. They are also capable of 3D rendering and architectural walkthroughs, while complying with international building codes. Besides, you just never know when your work-share partners may turn out to be a treasure house of specialized trade knowledge too.

Outsourcing: On Demand

Outsourcing gives access to expert “skills-on-tap” around the clock. In case you experience a sudden surge in your work load, you can easily ramp-up your capacities with the help of CAD services partner, located overseas. You don’t have to worry about your work-load peaks and leans because the outsourcing company will absorb the shocks. Why have under-utilized or over-burdened internal staffs when you have the privilege of services ‘on demand’?

Outsourcing: Time Tested

Architectural drafts need to be turned around sooner for quicker execution of the project. Most service providers understand this and build their business around this theme. Therefore, you do not have to be unnervingly wary about their service promptness.

Outsourcing: The Force Majeure

Outsourcing is taking the world by a storm. In fact, the future growth of architectural firms, no matter big or small, is going to be determined by how good they deliver their services, while keeping the costs to mass levels. This is where architectural outsourcing service providers step in. They are your sure-fire missiles in obtaining the intended end-result while keeping the cost pressures under cool.

It doesn’t make sound economical sense if a company doesn’t leverage the benefits of a flat world, which we live in. It is only very practical to tap the human resources of a region who offer their services for a price that doesn’t cost an Earth.

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Your Citation

CAD Evangelist. "The Lever and Fulcrum of Enterprises is Outsourcing" CAD Evangelist, Apr. 10, 2019,

CAD Evangelist. (2019, April 10). The Lever and Fulcrum of Enterprises is Outsourcing. Retrieved from

CAD Evangelist. "The Lever and Fulcrum of Enterprises is Outsourcing" CAD Evangelist (accessed April 10, 2019 ).

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