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Still Renders, VR or 360: What Do You Need to Sell Your Homes?

  • BluEnt
  • 3D Rendering
  • 30 Dec 2020
  • 3 minutes
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Virtual reality used to be a term associated with science fiction or the future. But with technological advancements, visualizing realistic images in architecture has become a reality of the present. Subsequently, still renders have become a second choice for house hunters.

While still renders offer a photorealistic view of a house and make it easy both for home buyers and sellers to get a good deal, they’ve got nothing on VR.

Virtual reality in rendering can be jaw dropping. 3D rendering has solved many architectural problems by accurately illustrating what a building will actually look like. Furthermore, the photorealistic quality of 3D home renderings makes it easy for home sellers to tempt buyers with realistic visualizations of the house.

However, technology does not come without flaws. There is notable difference between highlighting 3D home renders and actually getting the sale done.

For instance, buyers may need more specifications of the property. This is where virtual reality comes into play.

Pulling the camera and focusing it on the property is not enough. Clients need to experience the feel of a place before they invest their hard-earned money. Still renders give the first impression – then you may offer Photoshop 3D renders of your property. Email UsGet in touch with our experts to know more about 3D Rendering E-mail: US: +1 (832) 476 8459 Canada: +1 (647) 478 5230 Query: Work with experts

Top 5 Advantages (and 4 Disadvantages) of Virtual Reality


  • Customizable designs: Virtual reality has penetrated well into architecture. Highly customizable designs can be developed with the help of VR. It makes it easy to modify the look and change any finishing.

  • Experiment with colours and interiors: You can do a lot of experimentation with colours and place furniture at different places in a room to see which one looks perfect.

  • It sells better: Attract customers with gorgeous renderings and accurate dimensions.

  • It’s time saving: VR saves a lot of time that is otherwise spent in dealing with visits of property buyers.

  • Realistic views: The technology allows architects to experience real-world objects and analyze how they communicate with their environment.


  • Requires experience: The use of architectural visualization Photoshop requires expertise. It cannot always be done by laypeople.

  • Knowledge is a must: If you don’t know the ins and outs of VR, you may risk losing clients. To know what rendering means, you must know about 3D imaging and photorealistic images.

  • May require hiring: To retain your competitive edge and attract clients, you need VR experts. And if you don’t have them, you’ll have to hire them.

  • Can be pricey: You need to invest in the hardware and its deployment. Using virtual reality to showcase your property to clients is worth the expense. But the cost of implementation in home renderings is not low.

Now that we’ve covered the difference between still renders, VR and 3D images, you can choose the best one for your business.

BluEntCAD is a CAD design and drafting company that offers everything from architectural construction drawings to BIM implementation. Whether you’d like to know more about VR or hire us, drop us a line today.

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Your Citation

CAD Evangelist. "Still Renders, VR or 360: What Do You Need to Sell Your Homes?" CAD Evangelist, Dec. 30, 2020,

CAD Evangelist. (2020, December 30). Still Renders, VR or 360: What Do You Need to Sell Your Homes?. Retrieved from

CAD Evangelist. "Still Renders, VR or 360: What Do You Need to Sell Your Homes?" CAD Evangelist (accessed December 30, 2020 ).

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