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Top 3 Elements of Construction Documentation

3 Elements can make you bring out the best documentation output.

As the saying goes, information is key. This stands particularly true even in the construction sector. In fact, it is a significant practice in the architecture industry because the stakes here are quite high for both the clients and the building professionals as a lot of money is involved. We live in a digital age, where information seems to travel faster than the speed of light. There is a plethora of information that is revealed every moment of every day. Hence, a real-time problem solving for every business is the key to success.

The documentation process incorporates various subjects from design to contracts to a very detailed description of all that is happening at every stage of the building projects. At BluEntCAD, CD sets is a significant part of the entire construction and design project. To assure that superior quality of construction is maintained and the project is completed within the deadline, accurate and efficient documentation is an absolute necessity.

Though documentation is a tradition that has been carrying on since ages, with the new wave of digitization, the process has become more meticulous and coherent. Documenting the construction project using the latest technology is imperative to stay with the time, to gain a competitive advantage through efficiency and by using the right expertise. Every construction firm has already embraced the new technological elements in the documentation process such as using webcam or videos for documenting.

A complete, accurate arrangement of CD sets is essential to certify that every phase from designing to construction, and also from commissioning to facility management is well structured, effortless and flawless. Working drawings are a significant part of architecture which gives the minutely detailed information and instructions of how an object can be built. The digital blueprints are perceived to be a dynamic weapon that showcases futuristic plans, schemes and goals. The technical drawings is a highly significant skilful expertise which the building professionals pay for.

Here are the most vital elements of construction documentation that help the construction firms create complete and accurate CD sets and deliver a successful project:

Real-time problem solving ‘local’ experts and workforce

The CD sets have to be easily accessible to the workforce and experts to find the right solutions to any kind of problem any given moment and time. Problems can occur even when the work site is well organized. But when emergencies arise every member from the workforce needs to be on site. They have to be present at the property site using their expertise and knowledge to solve any problems that arise by recording the profound components of the project. As mentioned before, a lot is at stake for both the clients and building professionals involved in the construction project. Thus, firms can’t afford to have a team in a distant location providing instructions.

Digital access to information ensuring smooth offline communication

With time being money, the plethora of information needs to be easily accessible to every team member that is involved in the project. This is one of the ways to ensure an efficient and methodical documentation process. Everything has to be quick, organized and well connected. If the team is not well informed of every aspect of the project then to solve any complex problem can prove to be a nightmare.

The right expertise to manage challenges

Documentation process may be an age-old phenomenon but it still needs to be managed by a group of expert professionals. With digitization, it is necessary to get the right professionals who have had specialized training and experience to manage any kind of complex challenges in an efficient manner and within a stipulated amount of time. Construction documentation is not just about digital photographs or random software. Even the tiniest of errors in the documentation process can lead to an enormous loss of money and time causing overwhelming damage to the entire construction project because you can’t un-spill concrete.

In any construction project, CD sets are important to capture the exact information that is required to build a great project. If you want your documentation to be done right, contact us. We have a team of experts that can help you create the most accurate and efficient digital blueprints

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Your Citation

CAD Evangelist. "Top 3 Elements of Construction Documentation" CAD Evangelist, May. 10, 2017,

CAD Evangelist. (2017, May 10). Top 3 Elements of Construction Documentation. Retrieved from

CAD Evangelist. "Top 3 Elements of Construction Documentation" CAD Evangelist (accessed May 10, 2017 ).

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