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Winter Is Coming: Tips To Maintain Your Custom Millwork

  • BluEnt
  • Millwork
  • 14 Feb 2018
  • 4 minutes
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Tips To Maintain Custom Millwork Excluding Hawaii and Alaska, the winter season in America averages to just a teeny-tiny bit above freezing temperature at 33.2 o F. Which is cold. Too cold! Harsh winters will not only give you shivers, but they may also affect your furnishing too. Read our recommendations on caring for your custom cabinets and furniture this winter!

Maintenance of custom furniture is not hard. All you need is a little more consideration than your IKEA woodwork pieces. Whenever we work on millwork drafting services, we ensure that the client is aware of the do’s and don’ts for their custom furnishing. Custom millwork will definitely accent your building and home interiors. Crown molding, custom door styles, and custom cabinetry create a new dynamic in your personal as well as professional setting. However, without proper care, your investment into architectural drafting and design will be in vain. That’s the bad news. There’s good news too. Millwork does not require a lot of attention, just a little nudging every once in a while. A polish here, a swap there and you’re all set. Let’s find out how you can brace winters with your millwork looking its best!

Custom Millwork Maintenance  – Tips

If cared for properly, your custom cabinetry and other millwork should last a lifetime.  All you need to do is follow a regular routine of polishing and cleaning.

  • Wipe your custom woodworking furniture and interior décor with a soft cloth soaked in warm water and dish soap.

  • You can also use Murphy’s Oil Soap. Buy it at your local household supply store.

  • Custom corporate cabinetry and custom storage can be easily cleaned too. Just wipe the cabinets in wood grain direction. After this, dry the wood thoroughly with a clean towel.

  • Stained millwork should be wiped every two or three months with wood polish.

  • If you want to polish or wax your millwork, do not apply it directly on the wood. Spray it on a towel for even and thorough spreading.

What kind of cloth is best for cleaning my millwork? Can I vacuum my millwork?

Dust is naturally drawn to finished surfaces. It has a tendency to settle down in fine layers and your millwork will eventually accumulate this dust. If left for long, it might scratch the finish, spoiling the beauty of your woodwork. Use an electrostatic cloth to wipe off the accumulated dust. Do not be too harsh with the cloth. Gentleness is key. You can also use a vacuum with its bristle attachment for scattering accumulated dust instead of cloth.

Can humidity or loss of it be damaging for my woodwork?

Honestly, it depends. When it comes to humidity, wood likes to maintain harmony. If the moisture content is high, wood will absorb some water, which will cause swelling. On the other hand, if the air is too dry, it will release its own water, causing contraction. Both these situations are bad for your woodwork.

Try maintaining 40 to 45 percent humidity levels indoors to keep your custom woodwork in good shape and long life.

Caring for your custom shutters

Be it painted or natural, shutters accentuate the look and feel of any property. When cared for properly, they add character and aesthetic appeal to your place. On the contrary, they can reduce your place to ghastly appearance if left dirty and dingy.

Routine cleaning, repairing and painting are must for your shutters. Winters is not the ideal time to start shutter cleaning. Go for spring instead!

  • To remove collected dirt, trapped leaves and other grime from the previous winter, give your shutters a thorough spray down with a garden hose.

  • If you live closer to highway, your shutters will get soiled more often, which means frequent refinishes and cleaning.

Caring for your custom doors

Houses have a tendency to settle and shift over time and woodwork expands and contracts with changing humidity levels and exposure to environmental elements. Over time, you will notice that the doors of your houses creak; stick or close with difficulty. Don’t worry though. You only need a few simple adjustments to restore your door to its former glory.

  • To remove accumulated oil and dirt, clean your door with mineral spirit or all-purpose cleaner.

  • Use a cotton swab or artist brush to apply stain to scratches next. Make sure to wipe off excess stain.

  • Let it dry and apply Spar varnish over the repaired region.

Your door is as good as new!

Bonus: Quick-Fix Hacks for Millwork Maintenance

  • Do not place your electrical kitchen appliances directly under your custom cabinets. This is because the heat from your coffee maker, toaster or over can damage the wood.

  • To prevent moisture buildup in your bathroom, turn on the exhaust fan while showering. Excessive moisture will cause tFhe bathroom cabinets and other surfaces to swell up and get damaged.

  • Make sure your kitchen exhaust fan is turned on while cooking. The fan wards off grease and other sticky substances from damaging the looking and finish of your kitchen cabinets and crown molding.

  • Blinds are an excellent option to protect your wood millwork from direct sunlight. If you have furniture and décor which receives direct sunlight, try rearranging the furniture of the room or install blinds.

  • Refrain from touching the cabinet drawers and doors directly with your hands. Oil and dirt will cause the finish to fade away. Use handles instead.

  • Clean your kitchen cabinets once a month to prevent leftover food and grease build-up. This is highly recommended in homes with small kids.

How much care your custom millwork requires depends on where you live. If you ask us, surfaces and hinges should be cleaned monthly if you reside in coastal areas. Milder weather conditions in other places can do away with bi-annual cleanups. Also, do not forget to clean and oil your hardware and hinges once in a while too! We are your friendly custom cabinets and Casework shop drawings that knows a little bit about drafting cabinets. Drop by our office to see what we’re up to or ping us to know more about what we do!

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Your Citation

CAD Evangelist. "Winter Is Coming: Tips To Maintain Your Custom Millwork" CAD Evangelist, Feb. 14, 2018,

CAD Evangelist. (2018, February 14). Winter Is Coming: Tips To Maintain Your Custom Millwork. Retrieved from

CAD Evangelist. "Winter Is Coming: Tips To Maintain Your Custom Millwork" CAD Evangelist (accessed February 14, 2018 ).

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