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Top 5 tips to be more productive at work

  • BluEnt
  • Insights
  • 04 Dec 2015
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There is a difference between busy and productive people. You may have been running around all day, but if you have no results at the end of the day, you may safely assume that you have had an unproductive day. Here are a few of our tried and tested tips on getting started on productivity.

1. Try to spend less time on meetings. Case in point, watch this video to know why.

2. Robin Sharma advises following a ‘Stop Doing’ list. We suppose one has to draw a line somewhere. Set limits for yourself. Believe it or not, it helps you achieve more. Jason Goldberg, CEO of, says, ‘Pick one thing and do that one thing—and only that one thing—better than anyone else ever could.’

3. Wake up early. The oldest cliché on the planet, we agree. But, good sleep is the secret of a productive day. And, a special tip to aid sleep: Switch off all the pop-up notifications on that smartphone. Believe it or not, social media will be there when you wake up.

4. Drink lots of water. Stay hydrated, think clearly and kick lethargy out of your system.

5. Get out of the office. Move away from the office routine every 1. Once in a while. Working away from your regular workspace may have more benefits than you can think of.

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CAD Evangelist. "Top 5 tips to be more productive at work" CAD Evangelist, Dec. 04, 2015,

CAD Evangelist. (2015, December 04). Top 5 tips to be more productive at work. Retrieved from

CAD Evangelist. "Top 5 tips to be more productive at work" CAD Evangelist (accessed December 04, 2015 ).

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